
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
This weekend, Tyler finished a series called The Story of the Bible in 14 Books with the Book of Revelation. Revelation is a letter John wrote to seven churches in Asia, unveiling the truth of Jesus Christ.
We often come to the Book of Revelation looking for answers about the future or ignore it entirely because it is confusing. Revelation is a blessing for all readers and exists to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, challenging us to choose a side in the epic battle between good and evil. It is a reminder that God is sovereign and wins in the end. No matter today's struggle, the eternal tomorrow in heaven offers peace. So, don't give in to evil and remain focused on Jesus.
That is a blessing for all who follow Jesus!
Be sure to visit our resource webpage to dig in further into the study of Revelation.