
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Let‘s Talk About Mental Health | Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Studies show that at least 1 in 5 adults in the United States experience mental health challenge. This number is even higher amongst teens. In 2020, the CDC reported that 40% of Americans were struggling with mental health or substance abuse.
What role does the church have to play in this mental health epidemic?
At Northeast, we believe in a wholistic approach to mental health. Mental health problems are rarely faith problems, but they can have faith solutions. We believe talking about our mental health with one another is vital, and the church should be a place where we share our burdens- not the place we hide them.
So, let's talk about mental health.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please immediately contact a hotline for help:
LOCAL (to Louisville, Kentucky):
Mental Health Crisis Line: 502-589-4313
Seven Counties 24/7 Addiction Help: 502-583-3951
Crisis Text Line: HOME to 471-471
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK
Veterans Crisis Line: 800-273-8255 press 1
The Trevor Project (24/7 helpline for LGBTQ youth ages 13-24): 866-488-7386
NAMI Louisville: www.namilouisville.org
First Hour Grief Response: www.firsthourgrief.org