
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
In week 2 of the Intentional Parenting series, Tyler focuses on The Best Parenting Style According to the Data.
Parenting is a significant responsibility that shapes the future of children, influencing not only their character but also their faith. The "Intentional Parenting" sermon series is designed to equip Christian parents with the tools and strategies necessary to raise their children in a faith-centered home. By adopting the authoritative parenting style, engaging in daily faith conversations, and maintaining a united, faith-centered marriage, parents can effectively pass down their beliefs and prepare their children for a life rooted in faith.
So, what is your vision for your kids? If it’s not centered on Him, it’s too small to carry them through this life. If you give them Jesus, no matter where the road leads—you can rest assured knowing that He will be with them. And there’s no one better to walk beside them than our King Jesus.
Train children to live the right way, and when they are old, they will not stray from it. - Proverbs 22:6