
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Exodus & Deuteronomy | The Story of the Bible in 15 Books
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Exodus transports us from palatial power to slave labor in a few verses that span a few generations. Seems the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will perish beneath Pharaoh’s whips along with their distant God and His absurd promises. Or will it? Enter stage right — Moses. Fished out the Nile, raised in royalty, married in Midian, and blessed by a bush. The reluctant one delivers God’s plagues, then God’s people, then God’s law. Deuteronomy is just barely more exciting than Leviticus…until you peak beneath the hood to see what God is up to. The book is basically one big do-over (the name literally means a second law). It’s not merely a remake, it’s a new start. Let’s take a second look at the “Second Law” for the best chance at a new beginning.
For more resources to study Exodus & Deuteronomy, please visit www.necchurch.org/resources